GET Lab at EuroMed 2016

GET Lab co-organized a Virtual Reality workshop.

The Virtual Reality, Gamification and Cultural Heritage (VRGCH’2016) Workshop has been conducted successfully, on Friday, November 4th 2016,  within the 6th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2016). EuroMed 2016, that this year took place from October 31st until November 5th in Nicosia, Cyprus, is a bi-annual International conference on Digital Heritage that brings together scientists from all over the world.

Andreas Lanitis and Despina Michael-Grigoriou, directors of the research labs of Cyprus University of Technology of the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, VCM Lab ( and GET Lab ( respectively, were the organizers and chairs of the VRGCH’2016 workshop, with the distinguished Professor Nadia Magnenat Thalmann ( being the honorary chair.

Maria Christofi, GET Lab’s PhD candidate,  presented the article “A Tour in the Archaeological Site of Choirokoitia Using Virtual Reality: a Learning Performance and Interest Generation Assessment.”

VRGCH’2016 has been organized as part of activities of the H2020-TWINNING-NOTRE project (Network for Social Computing Research – in which GET Lab is participating.