The ICAT-EGVE 2018 conference will be held November 07 – 09 in Limassol, Cyprus. This is the merger of the 28th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2018) and the 23rd Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2018).
Together these are two of the oldest international conferences in the world on Artificial Reality and Virtual Environments, and provide a unique opportunity for researchers, developers, and users to share their experience and knowledge of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and 3D User Interfaces. This is a great opportunity to renew old friendships, make new ones, and experience all that Cyprus has to offer.
ICAT-EGVE 2018 is hosted by RISE Research Centre (
For more information visit the official website of the ICAT-EGVE 2018 conference here.