Participation of GET Lab in H2020 – TWINNING NOTRE project

Participation of GET Lab in H2020 – TWINNING NOTRE project

Another HORIZON 2020 project in which GET Lab participates got funded. NOTRE project, which is under H2020-TWINNING scheme, aims to establish networking activities and contacts with strong international partners in the domain of Social Computing. The proposal has been written under the umbrella of Social Computing Research Centre ( of the Cyprus University of Technology . The Cyprus University of Technology is the coordinator of the project and the total amount of funding is 1 million EUR.

Related to GET Lab’s activities, the NOTRE project will run activities related to “Entertainment, Games, Virtual Reality and Educational Technologies”. NOTRE has as advanced partner in this specialization, the international leading research lab MIRALab ( directed by Prof. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann.

Besides activities in the direction of “Entertainment, Games, Virtual Reality and Educational Technologies”, NOTRE will also address “Online social networks and their analysis”, “Social Computing for social inclusion” and “Social Computing and social change”.