PhD posts, starting January 2021.
The last date to apply for postgraduate studies is Friday, 27th of November 2020.
One (1) post in the research area: VR for Physio/Psycho/Social Well-Being”.
Candidates should possess:
- A Bachelor’s Degree and a postgraduate Degree of Master’s level* from accredited Universities in a relevant field (e.g. Interactive Media/ Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Neuroscience/ Psychology) with specialization in Virtual Reality or/and Biosignals measurements.
- Excellent programming skills / excellent knowledge of C/C++ programming language or/and excellent knowledge of a game engine (e.g. Unity)
- Ability to work independently on research projects
- Excellent knowledge of English language (spoken and written)
The following will be considered as additional qualifications:
- experience in submitting research proposals and/or participation in research projects
- very good knowledge of a 3D modelling software
- experience in experimental research
- good knowledge of statistical analysis
In cases where the candidate demonstrates EXCEPTIONAL academic performance; holding a postgraduate degree may not be a restricted requirement to apply for this position. (Even though it is highly recommended)
One (1) post in the research area: “New Technologıes for Vırtual Realıty”
Candidates should possess:
- A Bachelor’s Degree and a postgraduate Degree of Master’s level* from accredited Universities in a relevant field (e.g. Interactive Media/ Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Neuroscience/ Psychology) with specialization in Virtual Reality or/and Biosignals measurements.
- Excellent programming skills / excellent knowledge of C/C++ programming language or/and excellent knowledge of a game engine (e.g. Unity)
- Ability to work independently on research projects
- Excellent knowledge of English language (spoken and written)
The following will be considered as additional qualifications:
- experience in submitting research proposals and/or participation in research projects
- very good knowledge of a 3D modelling software
- experience in experimental research
- good knowledge of statistical analysis
For the above positions, applications are accepted only for full time studies.
The successful candidate(s) will be assigned to the GET Lab (, a research lab of the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology. In parallel with their study the successful candidate(s) may be employed in currently active research programs and/or be assigned teaching-related duties at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts with appropriate reimbursement. In addition, the successful candidate(s) may have the opportunity to be employed and/or carry out part of their research work at the Research Centre of Excellence RISE (
Research Advisor: Despina Michael-Grigoriou, Assistant Professor,