Expression of Interest for RESEARCH posts on VIRTUAL REALITY
This ‘expression of interest’ is now closed since the official posts have been announced.
If you are interested in these posts please check the official vacancies here
The relevant topic to the current description is the topic No.10: Virtual Reality for Well-being.
Note that an ‘expression of interest’ as described below does not count as an official application which should be done as described in the official announcement –
PhD Candidate & Post-doctoral researcher Positions
We are exploring the possibility of hiring (paid) full time PhD Candidates or/and full time Post-doctoral researchers in the areas of Virtual Reality for Wellbeing/ Rehabilitation by exploring the fields of Brain Plasticity/ Social Neuroscience/ Social Psychology.
We are seeking for full time high caliber and committed candidat
The successful candidates will be affiliated with RISE-Research centre on Interactive media Smart systems and Emerging technologies []. RISE is the biggest initiative in Cyprus on Interactive Media, with seed funding of about 50 Million euros funded by European Commission, Republic of Cyprus and other resources.
Applicants for these posts should ideally possess:
[PhD Candidates]
– Academic degrees (BSc, MSc) in a relevant field (e.g. Interactive Media/ Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Neuroscience/ Psychology) with specialization in Virtual Reality or/and Biosignals measurements.
– Excellent programming skills or/and excellent knowledge of a game engine (e.g. Unity)
– Interest or/and Experience in experimental research
[Post-doctoral researchers]
– PhD or/and postdoctoral experience in a relevant field (e.g. Interactive Media/ Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Neuroscience/ Psychology) with specialization in Virtual Reality or/and Biosignals measurements.
– Excellent programming skills or/and excellent knowledge of a game engine (e.g. Unity)
– Experience in experimental research
– Experience in writing research proposals/working in research projects
– High Impact research publications
The research for the above posts will be conducted under the supervision of the following academic that you may contact for further details:
Dr Despina Michael-Grigoriou –
RISE Deputy Scientific Coordinator & RISE CUT Principal Investigator []
Assistant Professor & Director of GET Lab-Microsoft Computer Games and Emerging Technologies Research Lab, Cyprus University of Technology []
Expressions of interest should be submitted, by sending an email to the academic supervisor
(email address: despina.grigoriou@cut
1. Curriculum Vitae that includes at least details proving the required qualifications/skills
2. Proofs of academic excellence including awards and distinctions awarded
3. Short description of their academic and research experiences (2 pages maximum)
4. Candidate’s contact info (include at least: name, email, skypename)
NOTE: This is not an official opening but rather an invitation for expression of interest. Official openings will be announced by the RISE Research Centre in due time. This announcement does not bind RISE or the responsible academic supervisor in anyway.