We are organizing a special session on Social Computing at Computer Graphics International 2018 (CGI) that will take place this year in Indonesia.
You may be interested in submitting a short paper for this special session (4-6 pages).
The deadline is March 20th- for details see here – http://www.cgs-network.org/cgi18/#callforpapers
Accepted short papers will be included in the conference proceedings to be published online in the ACM Digital Library.
The special session is organized by Social Computing Research Center – SCRC, CUT and MIRALab, University of Geneva (directed by Prof Nadia Magnenat Thalmann –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadia_Magnenat_Thalmann) within the framework of our collaboration under H2020-TWINNING-NOTRE project (https://notre.socialcomputing.eu/)
Session chairs: Eva Baka, MIRALab, University of Geneva & Maria Christofi, GET Lab – Cyprus University of Technology