Summer Internships @ GET Lab

The Microsoft Computer Games and Emerging Technologies Research Lab (GET Lab –  at the Cyprus University of Technology is accepting applications for summer internships (of approx. 2 months duration) from Undergraduates and Graduates of Computer Science/Engineering or/and Interactive Multimedia.

Interns with Computer Science background will work on topics related to Computer Graphics/Computer Vision and implementation of algorithms for research projects. Strong programming skills and knowledge of Computer Graphics/Computer Vision are required.

Interns with Interactive Multimedia background will work on setting up Virtual Reality scenarios for experiments with users. 3D Modelling and Animation skills and familiarization with game engine technology (preferably Unity) are required.

Internships are unpaid positions but interns will have the chance to gain experience working with state of the art VR technology available at GET Lab (

You should apply by sending an email to the GET Lab coordinator, Despina Michael, at, stating your interests and providing a CV. Successful candidates could start working immediately. Send your applications no later than 10th of June.