Despina Grigoriou (Michael)

Brief CV

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, 2016 - today
Multimedia and Graphic Arts Department, Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)

Founder & Director, 2012 - today
GET Lab - Microsoft Computer Games and Emerging Technologies Research Lab, CUT

Founding member & Visual Sciences Research Pillar Leader of RISE CoE
CUT Coordinator & Deputy Scientific Overall Coordinator of RISE project RISE - Research Centre on Interactive Media Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies, Cyprus, 2015-2016 (Phase 1) & 2017-today (Phase2)

Research Group Leader, 2018 - today
Virtual Reality for Well Being Multidisciplinary Research Group, RISE CoE

Board member, 2019 - today & Faculty member, 2014 - today
SCRC - Social Computing Research Centre, Cyprus University of Technology


PhD in Computer Science, 2010
Computer Science Department, University of Cyprus
PhD title: “Real-time high quality HDR illumination and tonemapped rendering”
Google Scholarship Recipient: The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship 2008.

MSc in Advanced Information Technologies, 2005
Computer Science Department, University of Cyprus
Highest Average Grade Award, for the GPA between all graduates of the department.

BSc in Computer Science, 2003
Computer Science Department, University of Cyprus
Best Thesis Award, Computer Science Department, University of Cyprus.


Assistant Professor, 2016 - today
Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology

Lecturer, 2012 - 2015
Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology

Post-doctoral researcher, 2011
Event-Lab: Experimental Lab of Virtual Environments for Neuroscience and Technology, Department of Psychology, University of Barcelona (working with Prof. Mel Slater)

Lecturer, 2009 - 2011
Design and Multimedia Department, University of Nicosia

Research Associate/Assistant, 2002 - 2010
Computer Science Department, University of Cyprus

Awards & Distinctions

Top Downloaded Paper 2018-2019 certification for the publication ‘Asch conformity experiment using immersive virtual reality’ in the ‘Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds’ (CAVW) journal.

Best Paper Award at VSMM 2014: 20th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia, Hong Kong, for the paper ‘Sound Propagation in 3D Spaces Using Computer Graphics Techniques’ (Advances in Technology Session).

Best Paper Award at VS-GAMES 2014: 6th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications, Msida, Malta, for the paper “Aliens versus Humans: Do avatars make a difference in how we play the game?”.

Grant received from the Microsoft Cyprus for the establishment of the research lab that I founded and direct, the Microsoft Computer Games and Emerging Technologies Research Lab - GET Lab.

Nomination for the Best PhD Thesis Award 2011, Eurographics: European Association in Computer Graphics, 2011.

Scholarship recipient: The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship 2008, awarded by Google to 20 candidates out of 295 applications, from 157 universities in 31 countries, 2008.

Professional Activities & Memberships

International Steering Committees Member:
EGVE Working Group, ICAT Steering Committee.

Chair of International Conferences & Workshops Committees:
ICAT-EGVE 2018 (Lead General Chair & Organization Chair), Social Computing Special Session - CGI 2018 (Co-organizer), Visual Computing Track - ISD 2017 (Track Chair), EUROMED-VRGCH 2016 (Organization Chair & International Program Committee Chair), MELECON 2016 (Thematic Area Chair & International Program Committee Member)

Member of International Program/Scientific Committee:
ISD 2017, VSMM 2016, EUROMED-VRGCH 2016, IEEE Melecon 2016 (track chair), VSMM 2014, Digital Heritage International Congress 2013, VSMM 2013, GCH 2013, DigitalHeritage 2013, MEMORY OF THE WORLD 2013, VSMM 2012, VAST 2011, EHCDE 2011, EuroMed 2010, VAST 2010, EuroMed 2010, ECMS 2008

Reviewer of scientific journals and conferences:
ET&S 2020, IEEE VR 2020, PCI 2018, ISD 2017, IEEE Transactions and Multimedia Journal 2017, VSMM 2016, MELECON 2016, EUROMED-VRGCH 2016, WSCG2015, VSMM 2014, Digital Heritage International Congress 2013, VSMM 2013, GCH 2013, MEMORY OF THE WORLD 2013, EG 2012, VSMM2012, C&G Journal 2011, VAST 2011, EHCIDE 2011, EG 2011, VS-Games 2011, VAST 2010, Euromed 2010, CGF Journal Vol. 4 2009, PG 2009, i3D 2009, ECMS 2008, VSMM 2008, CGF Journal Vol. 4 2007, EG 2007, VRST 2006

Session chairman:
MELECON 2016 (2 sessions), EUROMED 2016, CWSPI 2015, Euromed 2010 (2 sessions), ECMS 2008

Member of Local Organizing Committee:
EGSR 2006, ANS 2006, VRST 2006

Member of professional associations: