Despina Grigoriou (Michael)


[b]ook chapter[j]ournal[c]onference[e]diting volume
[w]orkshop[a]bstract[d]issertation[t]echnical report
GET Lab’s work (solely or mainly) / * GET Lab’s coordinator as the corresponding author
Authors appearing in bold conducted the research work as GET Lab members or/and affiliated researchers


[b] Hadjipanayi, C., Banakou, D., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (accepted). Virtual Reality in Stroke Rehabilitation and Treatment: Focusing on the Patient’s Experience and Needs. In A. Charalampous (Ed.), Critical Perspectives on Technological Innovations in Healthcare. Springer Nature.

[c] Fairhurst, M., Sun, W., Hadjipanayi, C., Michael-Grigoriou, D., & Banakou, D. (accepted). Tapping into touch preferences and individual behaviours: assessing and improving the Virtual TouchToolkit mobile app. 13th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation – ArtsIT 2024. Abu Dhabi, UAE.

[c] Stavroulia,K., E., Kyrlitsias, C., Ioannou, L., Georgiou, Y., Michael-Grigoriou, D., & Lanitis A. (2024). Virtual Reality as a new frontier for professional teacher training: the VRTEACHER application. In Helin, K., Michael-Grigoriou, D., Katika, T., Schiavi , B., & Tsaknaki, E. (Eds.). EuroXR 2024: Proceedings of the 21st EuroXR International Conference (pp. 27-30). VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

[e] Helin, K., Michael-Grigoriou, D., Katika, T., Schiavi, B., & Tsaknaki , E. (Eds.) (2024). EuroXR 2024: Proceedings of the 21st EuroXR International Conference. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Technology No. 432.

[j] Najm, A., Banakou, D., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2024). Development of a Modular Adjustable Wearable Haptic Device for XR Applications. Virtual Worlds, 3(4), 436–458.

[j] Hadjipanayi, C., Banakou, D., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2024). Virtual Reality Exergames for Enhancing Engagement in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Narrative Review. Heliyon, 10(18), e37581.

[j] Hadjipanayi, C., Christofi, M., Banakou, D., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2024). Cultivating empathy through narratives in virtual reality: a review. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.


[c] Stavroulia,K., E., Kyrlitsias, C., Ioannou, L., Georgiou, Y., Michael-Grigoriou, D., & Lanitis A. (2023). Virtual Reality and the Art of Empathetic Teaching: Enhancing Teacher Education Through Perspective-Taking. In Proceedings of Constructionism/FabLearn 2023 (pp. 65-73).

[j] Bellard, A., Mathew, J., Sun, W., Denkow, L., Najm, A., Michael-Grigoriou, D., Trotter, P., McGlone, F., Fairhurst, M., & Cazzato, V. (2023). Topography and relationship-specific social touching in individuals displaying body image disturbances. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 13198.

[c] Xylakis, E., Najm, A., Michael-Grigoriou, D., Liapis, A., & Yannakakis, G. N. (2023). Eliciting and Annotating Emotion in Virtual Spaces. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) (Vol. 1).

[c] Kyrlitsias, C., Ioannou, L., Stavroulia, K. E., Georgiou, Y., Michael-Grigoriou, D., & Lanitis, A. (2023). Through the eyes of Teachers or Students? Evaluating the Impact of Perspective Changing on a Smartphone VR Application for Teacher Training (poster). Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2023). Limassol, Cyprus.

[j] Hadjipanayi, C., Banakou, D., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2023). Art as therapy in virtual reality: A scoping review. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 4.


[c] Najm, A., Hadjipanayi, C., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Banakou, D., McGlone, F., & Fairhurst, M. (2022). The Virtual Touch Toolkit: An Interactive Media Mobile Application for Promoting Well-Being through Affective and Social Touch. In 2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET) (pp. 1-4).

[c] Christofi, M., Hadjipanayi, C., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2022). The Use of Storytelling in Virtual Reality for Studying Empathy: A Review. In 2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET) (pp. 1-8).

[c] Najm, A., Christofi, M., Hadjipanayi, C., Kyrlitsias, C., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2022). The Iterative Development of an Online Multiplayer Escape Room Game for Improving Social Interaction through Edutainment. Computer Science Research Notes, 3201, 56-65.

[j] Hadjipanayi, C., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2022). Arousing a wide range of emotions within educational virtual reality simulation about major depressive disorder affects knowledge retention. Virtual Reality, 26, 343-359.

[j] Kyrlitsias, C., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2022). Social Interaction With Agents and Avatars in Immersive Virtual Environments: A Survey. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2.


[a] Bellard, A., Sun, W., Denkow, L., Najm, A., Michael-Grigoriou, D., Trotter, P., McGlone, F., Fairhurst, M., Cazzato, V. (2021) The Virtual Touch Toolkit: Association with body image disturbances and responses to interpersonal touch, as measured by the ‘HandsOn’ application. Body image & Related Disorders (BIRD2021).

[a] Najm, A., Hadjipanayi, C., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Banakou, D., McGlone, F., & Fairhurst M. (2021). The Virtual Touch Toolkit: Promoting Self-Discovery Through Affective Touch. Social BRIDGES 4 – Social distancing and touch.


[c] Najm, A., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Kyrlitsias, C., Christofi, M., Hadjipanayi, C., & Sokratous, D. (2020). A Virtual Reality Adaptive Exergame for the Enhancement of Physical Rehabilitation Using Social Facilitation. In ICAT-EGVE 2020 – International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments – Posters and Demos. The Eurographics Association.

[j] Kyrlitsias, C., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Banakou, D., & Christofi, M. (2020). Social Conformity in Immersive Virtual Environments: The Impact of Agents’ Gaze Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2254.

also appears in:
[b] Vaz De Carvalho, C., González González, C. S., Popescu, E., Rugelj, J. (Eds.). (2021). Serious Games. Frontiers Media SA.

[j] Kyrlitsias, C. + , Christofi, M.+, Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Banakou, D., & Ioannou, A. (2020). A Virtual Τour of a Hardly Accessible Archaeological Site: the Effect of Immersive Virtual Reality in User Experience, Learning and Attitude Change. Frontiers in Computer Science, 2, 23.
+equal contribution.
also appears in:
[b] Vaz De Carvalho, C., González González, C. S., Popescu, E., Rugelj, J. (Eds.). (2021). Serious Games. Frontiers Media SA.

[j] Hadjipanayi, C., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2020). Conceptual knowledge and sensitization on Asperger’s syndrome based on the constructivist approach through virtual reality. Heliyon, 6(6), e04145.

[j] Christofi, M., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, & Kyrlitsias, C. (2020). A Virtual Reality Simulation of Drug Users’ Everyday Life: the Effect of Supported Sensorimotor Contingencies on Empathy. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1242.

also appears in:
[b] Vaz De Carvalho, C., González González, C. S., Popescu, E., Rugelj, J. (Eds.). (2021). Serious Games. Frontiers Media SA.


[j]  Stavroulia, K. E., Christofi, M., Baka, E., Michael-Grigoriou, D., Magnenat-Thalmann, N., & Lanitis, A. (2019). Assessing the emotional impact of virtual reality-based teacher training. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology36(3), 192-217.

[b] Stavroulia, K. E., Christofi, M., Zarraonandia, T., Michael-Grigoriou, D., & Lanitis, A. (2019). Virtual Reality Environments (VREs) for Training and Learning. In Learning in a Digital World (pp. 195-211). Springer, Singapore.


[e] Huang, T., Otsuki, M., Servières, M., Dey, A., Sugiura, Y., Banakou, D., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (Eds.). (2018). ICAT-EGVE 2018 – International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments – Posters and Demos. The Eurographics Association.

[c] Charalampous, P., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2018). Geometrical Algorithms for Real Time Sound Rendering Using Intelligent Prioritization. ICAT-EGVE 2018 – International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (pp 85-93). The Eurographics Association.

[c] Christofi, M., Baka, E., Stavroulia, K. E., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Lanitis, A., & Magnenat-Thalmann, N. (2018). Studying Levels of Presence in a Virtual Environment Simulating Drug Use in Schools: Effect on Different Character Perspectives. ICAT-EGVE 2018 – International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments. The Eurographics Association.

[c] Christou, C. G., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Sokratous, D., & Tsiakoulia, M. (2018). BuzzwireVR: An Immersive Game to Supplement Fine-Motor Movement Therapy. ICAT-EGVE 2018 – International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments. The Eurographics Association.

[c] Stavroulia, K.E., Baka, E., Christofi, M., Michael-Grigoriou, D., Magnenat-Thalmann, N. & Lanitis, A. (2018). A virtual reality environment simulating drug use in schools: effect on emotions and mood states. International Conference on Information, Communication Technologies in Education, ICICTE 2018 (pp. 225-234). Chania, Greece.

[c] Christou, C. G., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, & Sokratous, D. (2018, March). Virtual Buzzwire: Assessment of a Prototype VR Game for Stroke Rehabilitation. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 531-532). IEEE.

[j] Kyrlitsias, C., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2018). Asch conformity experiment using immersive virtual reality. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW), 29(5), e1804.

[c] Christofi, M., Kyrlitsias, C., Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Anastasiadou, Z., Michaelidou, M., Papamichael, I., & Pieri, K. (2018). A tour in the archaeological site of choirokoitia using virtual reality: a learning performance and interest generation assessment. In Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage (pp. 208-217). Springer, Cham.


[c] Christofi, M., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2017, October). Virtual reality for inducing empathy and reducing prejudice towards stigmatized groups: A survey. In 2017 23rd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia (VSMM) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

[c] Michael-Grigoriou, D.*, Yiannakou, P., & Christofi, M. (2017, October). Intuitive interaction for exploring human anatomy in a VR setup. In 2017 23rd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia (VSMM) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.


[w] Christofi, M. & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2016). The effect of the appearance of our self-representation in a virtual world on our behavior. We-Me 2016: Womenpower Symposium. Limassol, Cyprus.

[c] Christofi, M., & Michael-Grigoriou, D.* (2016, October). Virtual environments design assessment for the treatment of claustrophobia. In 2016 22nd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia (VSMM) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

[e]  Kyriakides, E.,  Kyriacou, E., Ellinas, G., Louca, S., Mavromoustakis. C., Michael, D., Vassiliou, V., Hadjichristofi, G., Georgiou, J., Panayiotou, C., Paschalidou, A., Loizou, C., & Pattichis, CS. (Eds.). Proceedings of 18th Mediterranean Electromachanical Conference MELECON 2016.

[w] Christofi, M., Michael, D.* (2016). Designing and evaluating virtual environments for the treatment of claustrophobia. 9th Cyprus Workshop on Signal Processing and Informatics (CWSPI). Nicosia, Cyprus.

[c] Chatzidimitris, T., Gavalas, D., & Michael, D.* (2016, April). SoundPacman: Audio augmented reality in location-based games. In Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 2016 18th Mediterranean (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

[c] Charalampous, P., & Michael, D.* (2016, April). Improved hybrid algorithm for real time sound propagation using intelligent prioritization. In Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 2016 18th Mediterranean (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

[c] Kyrlitsias, C., & Michael, D.* (2016, March). Influence by others’ opinions: social pressure from agents in immersive virtual environments. In 2016 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) (pp. 213-214). IEEE.


[c] Christoforou, M., & Michael, D. (2015) Virtual worlds’ influences on our mental balance and physical health: a survey with philosophical and scientific approaches. MIG 2015: 8th International ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2015 (posters). Paris, France.

[w] Kyrlitsias, Ch., Michael, D.* (2015). Social pressure from agents in a virtual environment: an investigation of conformity level. 8th Cyprus Workshop on Signal Processing and Informatics (CWSPI). Nicosia, Cyprus.


[j] Michael, D.*, Kleanthous, M., Savva, M., Christodoulou, S., Pampaka, M., & Gregoriades, A. (2014). Impact of immersion and realism in driving simulator studies. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), 6(1), 10-25.

[c] Charalampous, P., & Michael, D.* (2014, December). Sound propagation in 3D spaces using computer graphics techniques. In Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM), 2014 International Conference on (pp. 43-49). IEEE.

[c] Loizides, F., El Kater, A., Terlikas, C., Lanitis, A., & Michael, D. (2014, November). Presenting cypriot cultural heritage in virtual reality: A user evaluation. In Euro-Mediterranean Conference (pp. 572-579). Springer International Publishing.

[c] Christou, C., & Michael, D.* (2014, September). Aliens versus Humans: Do avatars make a difference in how we play the game?. In Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES), 2014 6th International Conference on (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

[c] Charalampous, P., & Michael, D.* (2014, August). Tree traversal algorithms for real time sound propagation calculation. In Audio Engineering Society Conference: 55th International Conference: Spatial Audio. Audio Engineering Society.

[c] Aristidou, K., & Michael, D.* (2014). Towards building a diving simulator for organizing dives in real conditions. 22nd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2014. Plzen, Czech Republic.


[j] Zaharias, P., Michael, D., & Chrysanthou, Y. (2013). Learning through Multi-touch Interfaces in Museum Exhibits: An Empirical Investigation. Educational Technology & Society, 16(3), 374-384.

[c] Artusi, A., Akyuz, A. O., Roch, B., Michael, D., Chrysanthou, Y., & Chalmers, A. (2013, September). Selective local tone mapping. In Image Processing (ICIP), 2013 20th IEEE International Conference on (pp. 2309-2313). IEEE.

[c] Christodoulou, S., Michael, D.*, Gregoriades, A., Pampaka, M., Vicuna Franco, P., & Mouskos , K. (October, 2013). Driver workload analysis using an interactive 3D driving simulator. Road Safety Simulation. Rome, Italy.

[c] Christodoulou, S., Michael, D.*, Gregoriades, A., & Pampaka, M. (2013, July). Design of a 3D interactive simulator for driver behavior analysis. In Proceedings of the 2013 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (p. 17). Society for Modeling & Simulation International.

[w] Charalampous, P., & Michael, D.* (2013). Enhancing human experience in video games using sound. 2nd Interaction Design & Human-Computer Interaction Workshop. Nicosia, Cyprus.


[c] Michael , D., & Slater, M. (2012). Embodiment in a Strong Virtual Body Influences Weight Lifting Endurance. 8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience 2012. Barcelona, Spain.

Before GET Lab


[c] Artusi, A., Michael, D., Roch, B., Chrysanthou, Y., & Chalmers, A. (2011, December). A selective approach for tone mapping high dynamic range content. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Posters (p. 50). ACM.


[j] Michael, D., & Chrysanthou, Y. (2010, December). Fullsphere Irradiance Factorization for Real‐Time All‐Frequency Illumination for Dynamic Scenes. In Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 2516-2529). Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

[c] Michael, D., Pelekanos, N., Chrysanthou, I., Zaharias, P., Hadjigavriel, L., & Chrysanthou, Y. (2010). Comparative study of interactive systems in a museum. Digital Heritage, 250-261.

[c] Michael, D., Zaharias, P., & Chrysanthou, Y. (2010). A virtual tour of the Walls of Nicosia: An assessment of children’s experience and learning performance. In VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage-Short and Project Papers (pp. 9-15).

[c] Gregoriades, A., Obadan, S., Michail, H., Papadopoulou, V., & Michael, D. (2010, June). A robotic system for home security enhancement. In International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (pp. 43-52). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

[w] Michael, D., & Chrysanthou , Y. (2010, June 16). Development of 3D interactive systems. Interaction Design and Human Computer Interaction Workshop. Nicosia, Cyprus.

[d] Michael, D. (2010). Real-time high quality HDR illumination and tonemapped rendering. University of Cyprus.


[c] Patias, P., Chrysanthou, Y., Sylaiou, S., Georgiades, C., Michael, D., & Stylianidis, S. (2008). The development of an e-museum for contemporary arts. In M. Ioannides, A. Addison, A. Georgopoulos, & L. Kalisperis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia.


[c] Roch, B., Artusi, A., Michael, D., Chrysanthou, Y., & Chalmers, A. (2007, April). Interactive local tone mapping operator with the support of graphics hardware. In Proceedings of the 23rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (pp. 213-218). ACM.

[t] Artusi, A., Roch, B., Michael, D., Chrysanthou, Y., & Chalmers, A. (2007). Selective tone mapper. University of Cyprus, Technical Report, TR-05-07.


[c] Michael, D., & Chrysanthou, Y. (2003, September). Automatic high level avatar guidance based on affordance of movement. In Eurographics 2003.

title = "EuroXR 2024: Proceedings of the 21st EuroXR International Conference",
editor = "Kaj Helin and Despina Michael-Grigoriou and Tina Katika and Barbara Schiavi and Electra Tsaknaki",
year = "2024",
doi = "10.32040/2242-122X.2024.T432",
language = "English",
series = "VTT Technology",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "432",
address = "Finland",

AUTHOR = {Najm, Ali and Banakou, Domna and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
TITLE = {Development of a Modular Adjustable Wearable Haptic Device for XR Applications},
JOURNAL = {Virtual Worlds},
VOLUME = {3},
YEAR = {2024},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {436--458},
URL = {},
ISSN = {2813-2084},
DOI = {10.3390/virtualworlds3040024}

title = {Virtual reality exergames for enhancing engagement in stroke rehabilitation: A narrative review},
journal = {Heliyon},
volume = {10},
number = {18},
pages = {e37581},
year = {2024},
issn = {2405-8440},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Christos Hadjipanayi and Domna Banakou and Despina Michael-Grigoriou}
  author={Hadjipanayi, Christos
  and Christofi, Maria
  and Banakou, Domna
  and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
  title={Cultivating empathy through narratives in virtual reality: a review},
  journal={Personal and Ubiquitous Computing},

title={Virtual Reality and the Art of Empathetic Teaching: Enhancing Teacher Education Through Perspective-Taking},
author={Stavroulia, Kalliopi Evangelia and Kyrlitsias, Christos and Ioannou, Lefteris and Georgiou, Yiannis and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Lanitis, Andreas},
booktitle={Proceedings of Constructionism/FabLearn 2023},

title={Topography and relationship-specific social touching in individuals displaying body image disturbances},
author={Bellard, Ashleigh and Mathew, Jyothisa and Sun, Wenhan and Denkow, Linda and Najm, Ali and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Trotter, Paula and McGlone, Francis and Fairhurst, Merle and Cazzato, Valentina},
journal={Scientific Reports},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}

title={Eliciting and annotating emotion in virtual spaces},
author={Xylakis, Emmanouil and Najm, Ali and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Liapis, Antonios and Yannakakis, Georgios N},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe},

@inproceedings {kyrlitsias2023,
booktitle = {Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2023)},
title = {Through the eyes of Teachers or Students? Evaluating the Impact of Perspective Changing on a Smartphone VR Application for Teacher Training (poster)},
author = {Kyrlitsias, Christos and Ioannou, Lefteris and Stavroulia, Kalliopi-Evangelia and Georgiou, Yiannis and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Lanitis, Andreas},
year = {2023},
location = {Limassol, Cyprus},

  AUTHOR={Hadjipanayi, Christos and Banakou, Domna and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
  TITLE={Art as therapy in virtual reality: A scoping review},
  JOURNAL={Frontiers in Virtual Reality},
  author={Najm, Ali and Hadjipanayi, Christos and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Banakou, Domna and McGlone, Francis and Fairhurst, Merle},
  booktitle={2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET)}, 
  title={The Virtual Touch Toolkit: An Interactive Media Mobile Application for Promoting Well-Being through Affective and Social Touch}, 
  author={Christofi, Maria and Hadjipanayi, Christos and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
  booktitle={2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET)}, 
  title={The Use of Storytelling in Virtual Reality for Studying Empathy: A Review}, 
  author={Najm,A. and  Christofi,M. and  Hadjipanayi,C. and  Kyrlitsias,C. and  Michael-Grigoriou,D.},
  title={{The Iterative Development of an Online Multiplayer Escape Room Game for Improving Social 
  Interaction through Edutainment}},
  journal={Computer Science Research Notes},
  publisher={Union Agency, Science Press},
  title={Arousing a wide range of emotions within educational virtual reality simulation about major depressive disorder affects knowledge retention},
  author={Hadjipanayi, Christos and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
  journal={Virtual Reality},
AUTHOR={Kyrlitsias, Christos and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},   
TITLE={Social Interaction With Agents and Avatars in Immersive Virtual Environments: A Survey},      
JOURNAL={Frontiers in Virtual Reality},      

@inproceedings {najm2020,
booktitle = {ICAT-EGVE 2020 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - Posters and Demos},
editor = {Kulik, Alexander and Sra, Misha and Kim, Kangsoo and Seo, Byung-Kuk},
title = {{A Virtual Reality Adaptive Exergame for the Enhancement of Physical Rehabilitation Using Social Facilitation}},
author = {Najm, Ali and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Kyrlitsias, Christos and Christofi, Maria and Hadjipanayi, Christos and Sokratous, Dimitris},
year = {2020},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-530X},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-112-0},
DOI = {10.2312/egve.20201269}

title={Social Conformity in Immersive Virtual Environments: The Impact of Agents' Gaze Behavior},
author={Kyrlitsias, Christos and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Banakou, Domna and Christofi, Maria},
journal={Frontiers in Psychology},

title={A Virtual Tour of a Hardly Accessible Archaeological Site: the Effect of Immersive Virtual Reality in User Experience, Learning and Attitude Change}, author={Kyrlitsias, Christos and Christofi, Maria and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Banakou, Domna and Ioannou, Andri},
journal={Frontiers in Computer Science},

title={Conceptual knowledge and sensitization on Asperger's syndrome based on the constructivist approach through virtual reality},
author={Hadjipanayi, Christos and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},


AUTHOR={Christofi, Maria and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Kyrlitsias, Christos},

TITLE={A Virtual Reality Simulation of Drug Users’ Everyday Life: The Effect of Supported Sensorimotor Contingencies on Empathy},

JOURNAL={Frontiers in Psychology},








author = {Kalliopi Evangelia Stavroulia and Maria Christofi and Evangelia Baka and Despina Michael-Grigoriou and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann and Andreas Lanitis},
title = {Assessing the emotional impact of virtual reality-based teacher training},
journal = {International Journal of Information and Learning Technology},
volume = {36},
number = {3},
pages = {192-217},
year = {2019},
doi = {10.1108/IJILT-11-2018-0127},
URL = {},
eprint = {},

title={Virtual Reality Environments (VREs) for Training and Learning},
author={Stavroulia, Kalliopi-Evangelia and Christofi, Maria and Zarraonandia, Telmo and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Lanitis, Andreas},
booktitle={Learning in a Digital World},

@inproceedings {icategve2018postersanddemos,
booktitle = {ICAT-EGVE 2018 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - Posters and Demos},
editor = {Huang, Tony and Otsuki, Mai and Servières, Myriam and Dey, Arindam and Sugiura, Yuta and Banakou, Domna and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
year = {2018},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association}

@inproceedings {charalampous2018,
booktitle = {ICAT-EGVE 2018 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments},
editor = {Bruder, Gerd and Yoshimoto, Shunsuke and Cobb, Sue},
title = {{Geometrical Algorithms for Real Time Sound Rendering Using Intelligent Prioritization}},
author = {Charalampous, Panagiotis and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
pages = {85--93},
year = {2018},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-530X},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-058-1},
DOI = {10.2312/egve.20181319}

@inproceedings {christofi2018b,
booktitle = {ICAT-EGVE 2018 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments},
editor = {Bruder, Gerd and Yoshimoto, Shunsuke and Cobb, Sue},
title = {{Studying Levels of Presence in a Virtual Environment Simulating Drug Use in Schools: Effect on Different Character Perspectives}},
author = {Christofi, Maria and Baka, Evangelia and Stavroulia, Kalliopi Evangelia and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Lanitis, Andreas and Thalmann, Nadia Magnenat},
year = {2018},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-530X},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-058-1},
DOI = {10.2312/egve.20181329}

@inproceedings {christou2018,
booktitle = {ICAT-EGVE 2018 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments},
editor = {Bruder, Gerd and Yoshimoto, Shunsuke and Cobb, Sue},
title = {{BuzzwireVR: An Immersive Game to Supplement Fine-Motor Movement Therapy}},
author = {Christou, Chris G. and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Sokratous, D. and Tsiakoulia, M.},
year = {2018},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-530X},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-058-1},
DOI = {10.2312/egve.20181327}

title={A virtual reality environment simulating drug use in schools: effect on emotions and mood states},
author={Stavroulia, Kalliopi Evangelia and Baka, Evangelia and Christofi, Maria and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia and Lanitis, Andreas},
booktitle={International Conference on Information, Communication Technologies in Education, ICICTE 2018},

title = {Virtual Buzzwire: Assessment of a Prototype VR Game for Stroke Rehabilitation.},
author = {Christou, Chris and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Sokratous, Dimitris},
booktitle = { Virtual Reality (VR), 2018 IEEE},
year = {2018},
organization = {IEEE}

@article {kyrlitsias2018,
author = {Kyrlitsias, Christos and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
title = {Asch conformity experiment using immersive virtual reality},
journal = {Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds},
volume = {29},
number = {5},
pages = {e1804},
keywords = {agents, Asch experiment, avatars, behavioral realism, conformity, virtual reality},
doi = {10.1002/cav.1804},
url = {},
eprint = {},
note = {e1804 cav.1804}

author={Christofi, Maria and Kyrlitsias, Christos and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Anastasiadou, Zoe and Michaelidou, Maria and Papamichael, Ioanna and Pieri, Katerina},
title={A Tour in the Archaeological Site of Choirokoitia Using Virtual Reality: A Learning
Performance and Interest Generation Assessment},
booktitle={Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage},
publisher={Springer International Publishing},

  title = {Virtual Reality for Inducing Empathy and Reducing Prejudice Towards Stigmatized Groups: a Survey.},
  author = {Christofi, Maria and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
  booktitle = {23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM) 2017},
  year = {2017},
  organization = {Dublin, Ireland}

@inproceedings {michael-grigoriou2017,
  title = {Intuitive Interaction for Exploring Human Anatomy in a {VR} Setup.},
  author = {Michael-Grigoriou, Despina and Yiannakou, Panayiotis and Christofi, Maria},
  booktitle = {23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM) 2017},
  year = {2017},
  organization = {Dublin, Ireland}

@inproceedings {christofi2016,
  title = {The effect of the appearance of our self-representation in a virtual world on our behavior: a survey.},
  author = {Christofi, Maria and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
  booktitle = {{W}e-{M}e 2016 {W}omenpower {S}ymposium},
  year = {2016},
  organization = {Limassol, Cyprus}

@inproceedings {christofi2016virtual,
   title = {Virtual environments design assessment for the treatment of claustrophobia},
   author = {Christofi, Maria and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina},
   booktitle = {22nd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia (VSMM) 2016},
   pages = {1--8}
   year = {2016},

   title = {Proceedings of 18th {M}editerranean {E}lectromechanical {C}onference {M}{E}{L}{E}{C}{O}{N} 2016},
   author = {Kyriakides, E. and Kyriacou, E. and Ellinas, G. and Louca, S. and Mavromoustakis, C. and Michael, D. and Vassiliou, V .and Hadjichristofi, G. and Georgiou, J. and Panayiotou, C. and Paschalidou, A. and Loizou, C. and Pattichis, C.S.},
   year= {2016}


title = {Designing and evaluating virtual environments design assessment for the treatment of claustrophobia},

author = {Christofi, Maria and Michael, Despina},

booktitle = {9th Cyprus Workshop on Signal Processing and Informatics (CWSPI)},

year = {2016},

organization = {Nicosia, Cyprus}

title = {Sound{P}acman: {A}udio augmented reality in location-based games},
author = {Chatzidimitris, Thomas and Gavalas, Damianos and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = {18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) 2016},
pages = {1--6},
year = {2016}

  author={Charalampous, Panagiotis and Michael, Despina},
  booktitle={2016 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON)}, 
  title={Improved hybrid algorithm for real time sound propagation using intelligent prioritization}, 

title = {Influence by others’ opinions: social pressure from agents in immersive virtual environments.},
author = {Kyrlitsias, Christos and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = { Virtual Reality (VR), 2016 IEEE},
pages = {213--214},
year = {2016},
organization = {IEEE}

title = {Virtual worlds’ influences on our mental balance and physical health: a survey with philosophical and scientific approaches.},
author = {Christoforou, Maria and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = {MIG 2015: 8th International ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2015},
year = {2015},
organization = {Paris, France}

title = {Social pressure from agents in a virtual environment: an investigation of conformity level.},br>  
author = {Kyrlitsias, Christos and Michael, Despina},br>  
booktitle = {8th Cyprus Workshop on Signal Processing and Informatics (CWSPI)},br>  
year = {2015},br>  
organization = {Nicosia,Cyprus}br>

   title = {Impact of immersion and realism in driving simulator studies},
   author = {Michael, Despina and Kleanthous, Marios and Savva, Marinos and Christodoulou, Smaragda and Pampaka, Maria and Gregoriades, Andreas},
   journal = {International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN)},
   volume = {6},
   number = {1},
   pages = {10--25},
   year = {2014},
   publisher = {IGI Global}

title = {Sound propagation in 3{D} spaces using computer graphics techniques},
author = {Charalampous, Panagiotis and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = {International Conference onVirtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM) 2014},
pages = {43--49},
year = {2014},
organization = {IEEE}

title = {Presenting {C}ypriot cultural heritage in virtual reality: {A} user evaluation},
author = {Loizides, Fernando and El Kater, Alexios and Terlikas, Constantinos and Lanitis, Andreas and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = {Euro-Mediterranean Conference},
pages = {572--579},
year = {2014},
organization = {Springer}

title = {Aliens versus {H}umans: {D}o avatars make a difference in how we play the game?},
author = {Christou, Chris and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = {6th International Conference onGames and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES) 2014},
pages = {1--7},
year = {2014},
organization = {IEEE}

title = {Tree traversal algorithms for real time sound propagation calculation},
author = {Charalampous, Panagiotis and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = {Audio Engineering Society Conference: 55th International Conference: Spatial Audio},
year = {2014},
organization = {Audio Engineering Society}

title = {Towards building a diving simulator for organizing dives in real conditions.},
author = {Aristidou, Kalia and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = {22nd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2014},
year = {2014},
organization = {Plzen, Czech Republic}

@article {zaharias2013learning,
title = {Learning through multi-touch interfaces in museum exhibits: {A}n empirical investigation},
author = {Zaharias, Panagiotis and Michael, Despina and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos},
journal = {Journal of Educational Technology & Society},
volume = {16},
number = {3},
pages = {374--384},
year = {2013},
publisher = {JSTOR}

title = {Selective local tone mapping},
author = {Artusi, Alessandro and Akyuz, AO and Roch, Benjamin and Michael, Despina and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos and Chalmers, Alan},
booktitle = {20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2013},
pages = {2309--2313},
year = {2013},
organization = {IEEE}

title = {Driver workload analysis using an interactive 3{D} driving simulator},
author = {Christodoulou, Smaragda and Michael, Despina and Gregoriades, Andreas and Pampaka, Maria and Franco, Patricio F.V. and Mouskos, Kyriacos C.},
booktitle = {Road Safety Simulation},
year = {2013},
organization = {Rome,Italy}

title = {Design of a 3{D} interactive simulator for driver behavior analysis},
author = {Christodoulou, Smaragda and Michael, Despina and Gregoriades, Andreas and Pampaka, Maria},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 Summer Computer Simulation Conference},
pages = {17},
year = {2013},
organization = {Society for Modeling & Simulation International}

title = {Enhancing human experience in video games using sound.},
author = {Charalampous, Panayiotis and Michael, Despina},
booktitle = {2nd Interaction Design & Human-Computer Interaction Workshop},
year = {2013},
organization = {Nicosia,Cyprus}

title = {Embodiment in a strong virtual body influences weight lifting endurance},
author = {Michael, Despina and Slater, Mel},
booktitle = {8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience},
year = {2012}
organization = {Barcelona, Spain}

title = {A selective approach for tone mapping high dynamic range content},
author = {Artusi, Alessandro and Michael, Despina and Roch, Benjamin and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos and Chalmers, Alan},
booktitle = {SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Posters},
pages = {50},
year = {2011},
organization = {ACM}

Title = {Fullsphere Irradiance Factorization for Real-Time All-Frequency Illumination for Dynamic Scenes},
Author = {Michael, Despina and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos},
Booktitle = {Computer Graphics Forum},
Volume = {29},
Number = {8},
Pages = {2516--2529},
Year = {2010},
Organization = {Wiley Online Library}

Title = {Comparative study of interactive systems in a museum},
Author = {Michael, Despina and Pelekanos, Nectarios and Chrysanthou, Isabelle and Zaharias, Panagiotis and Hadjigavriel, Loukia L. and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos},
Booktitle = {Euro-Mediterranean Conference},
Pages = {250--261},
Year = {2010},
Organization = {Springer}

Title = {A virtual tour of the {W}alls of {N}icosia: {A}n assessment of children’s experience and learning performance},
Author = {Michael, Despina and Zaharias, Panagiotis and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos},
Booktitle = {VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage-Short and Project Papers},
Pages = {9--15},
Year = {2010}

Title = {A robotic system for home security enhancement},
Author = {Gregoriades, Andreas and Obadan, Samuel and Michail, Harris and Papadopoulou, Vicky and Michael, Despina},
Journal = {Aging Friendly Technology for Health and Independence},
Pages = {43--52},
Year = {2010},
Publisher = {Springer}

Title = { Development of 3{D} interactive systems},
Author = {Michael, Despina and Chrysanthou, Yiorgos},
Booktitle = {Interaction Design and Human Computer Interaction Workshop},
Year = {2010},
Organization = {Nicosia,Cyprus}

Title = {Real-time high quality {H}{D}{R} illumination and tonemapped rendering},
Author = {Michael, Despina},
Year = {2010},
Publisher = {University of Cyprus, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences}

Title = {The development of an e-museum for contemporary arts},
Author = {Patias, P. and Chrysanthou, Y. and Sylaiou, S. and Georgiadis, Ch. and Michael, D. and Stylianidis, S.},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia},
Year = {2008}